
We know that one size does not fit all. So we offer accounts that are as unique as you are! Explore the options with your Personal Banker today or start browsing below.

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Watch Your Money Grow Faster.

Ultimate Money Market

  • Earns tiered interest based on your balance. infoBubbleRates and balance tiers vary by market.
  • Open with $10,000 and pay no monthly maintenance fee on certain balances. infoBubbleAvailable to individuals only. No monthly maintenance fee on balances of $10,000 or more. A $15 monthly maintenance fee applies for balances below $10,000.
  • Free withdrawals or transfers. infoBubbleMoney market accounts are limited to six withdrawals a month. You can make as many deposits as you want and get up to six withdrawals or transfers per month, free. Additional withdrawals are $5 each.

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Grow Your Balances with Above-Market Interest Rates.

HighYield Money Market

  • Earns tiered interest based on your balance. infoBubbleRates and balance tiers vary by market.
  • Open with $5,000 and pay no monthly maintenance fee on certain balances. infoBubbleAvailable to individuals only. No monthly maintenance fee on balances of $5,000 or more. A $15 monthly maintenance fee applies for balances below $5,000.
  • Free withdrawals or transfers infoBubbleMoney market accounts are limited to six withdrawals a month. You can make as many deposits as you want and get up to six withdrawals or transfers per month, free. Additional withdrawals are $5 each.

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Save the Easy Way.

SmartBlue Savings

  • Smart Savings Transfer is an effortless, secure, and smart way to save. infoBubbleFor example: If you have two debit card transactions that post and settle to your account today, one for $24.16 and one for $333.42, the debits will post as usual. The next day a total round-up of $1.42 will be debited from your checking account and credited to your savings account. Where does the $1.42 come from? Rounding $24.16 up to $25 adds $0.84, and rounding $333.42 up to $334 adds $0.58. When the round-up amounts of these transactions are added together, they make up the $1.42. Ask your Personal Banker if you have additional questions about Smart Savings Transfer.
  • No monthly maintenance fee, ever.
  • No minimum deposit required. infoBubbleOnly available for in-branch account opening. Smart Savings Transfer must be connected to your CNB Checking account at the time of opening the account. If the transfer is not set up, a $100 deposit will be required. For online accounts, a minimum balance of $100 is required to open the account. Balances of $100 or more earn 0.01% with an Annual Percentage Yield (APY) OF 0.01%. Interest will be compounded and paid to your account quarterly. If you close your account before interest is paid, you will receive the accrued interest. Rates are set by CNB and are subject to change at any time. Fees may reduce earnings.
  • Free withdrawals or transfers infoBubbleSix free withdrawals or transfers at no charge per month. Withdrawals or transfers in excess of six are charged a $5 excessive withdrawal.
  • Bank anywhere, anytime with just your smartphone.
  • Get above-market interest rates and grow your balances fast.

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Fixed, Predictable Returns