Media Library

As much as things have changed over the years, we believe that some things should never change—such as the power of relationships. We’re extremely humbled that our customers entrust us with the financial livelihood of their businesses, their homes, and their future. As an independent, community bank headquartered in Mississippi, we’re committed to helping our local citizens to not only be successful but also to flourish!

We hope you enjoy viewing these six Power of Local videos as much as we enjoyed producing them for you. These are testimonials with actual customers and bank employees who demonstrate the Power of Local at its best! Our customers know they can count on us whenever they need us. That’s because we take the time to listen and understand what is important to them in a banking relationship. If you’re one of our current customers, we say thank you!  If you’d like to know more about our Bank, consider this your personal invitation to join the movement and do business with a bank that reinvests in the local markets that we serve. That’s the Power of Local

Business Banking

Trey Long, Long Wholesale, Inc. and Neil Henry, Regional President

Charles Frazier, Weidmann’s Restaurant and Michael Truelove, Regional Sr. Credit Officer

Jorge Frias, Pioneer Automotive Industries and Michael Truelove, Regional Sr. Credit Officer

Mortgage Community Development

Adrian Cross, Meridian Freedom Project and Tra Alford, Community Development Director

Wealth Management Community Investment

LaBaron Hedgemon, New Destiny Daycare & Learning Academy and John David Barr, VP/ Senior Portfolio Manager

Private Banking

Dr. Kevin Douglas, Douglas Orthodontics and Jeana Bennett, SVP/Private Banking